Smiles by Jiveh can use dental veneers to restore your smile for greater confidence and happiness. We serve West Palm Beach and Wellington areas with extensive cosmetic dentistry services. Dental veneers are thin custom-made shells we bond to the front surface of your teeth for a harmonious smile. Our team prioritizes slow dentistry, so we take all the time necessary to share information relevant to your treatment and maximize your comfort during any procedures.
We Invite you To Make an Appointment to Evaluate Dental Venneers as your Dental Solution
To experience our award-winning dental care, schedule your Complimentary Cosmetic & Restorative Dentistry Consultation today. Your appointment includes meeting our team, an explanation of our process, and getting answers to your questions.
Schedule your appointment today by calling our office at
or by clicking here to use our convenient online appointment request form. You may also click here to schedule a virtual consultation from the comfort of your home. We look forward to meeting you!